There a wide variety of conditions that can cause neck pain including arthritis, disc related pathologies (bulging, herniation, degeneration), nerve irritation, muscular pain (myofascial pain, trigger points), whiplash, shoulder dysfunction, and thoracic spine disorders. Neck pain may be isolated to the neck or cause radiating pain down the arm, into the head, or into the mid-back region.  There are many effective physical therapy treatments such as spine mobilization, traction, soft tissue mobilization, massage, and exercise that may be effective treatment for your condition. 


The Temporomandibular Joint is the hinge joint that links your jaw bone to the skull. Dysfunction at this joint is rarely found in isolation, with typical concurrent symptoms such as headaches and neck pain. A thorough Physical therapy examination can help to identify the root cause of the dysfunction of this joint and help you return to a pain free life. 


While not all headaches stem from an orthopedic condition, a physical therapist may be able to identify if your neck, mid back, jaw, or vestibular system may be involved in your headaches. The upper cervical spine and its musculature has the ability to refer pain to the head that may masquerade as migraine like symptoms.  A physical therapist may use treatments such as spine mobilization, soft tissue mobilization, massage, modalities, and exercise to help you manage your condition. 


Pain in the mid back and thoracic spine can be caused by many conditions including facet joint dysfunction, rib dysfunction, altered breathing patterns, pain radiating from the neck, lower back conditions, and dysfunction at the shoulder.  Treatment of thoracic spine may include joint mobilization, joint manipulation, exercise, and treatment of the adjacent body parts that may be contributing factors. 


The shoulder complex is unique in that 4 joints in the shoulder, the cervical spine, and the thoracic spine, all work together for the system to operate properly. Dysfunction at any of the above mentioned areas or dysfunction of the rotator cuff, scapular stabilizers, and neck stabilizers can lead to shoulder pain. Some common conditions that we treat in the shoulder complex include rotator cuff tears, rotator cuff repairs, labral tears, impingement syndrome, and separated shoulders. Our skilled clinicians administer a wide variety of hands on and exercise related treatments addressing any and all of the joints and muscles related to the shoulder to work toward a long lasting solution to your problem.


Pain in the elbow may be related to a traumatic condition or a more progressive condition such as tennis elbow. Physical therapy intervention is effective at treating elbow stiffness, elbow pain, tennis elbow, and helping you return to function after immobilization due to surgery or trauma.


Wrist and hand pain can stem from a variety of causes ranging from traumatic incidents to prolonged overuse injuries.  Physical therapy interventions such as joint mobilization, nerve mobilization, exercise intervention, and modalities may be effective in helping you return to full function.